+255764109940 | +255769190204 Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 PM Sokoine Rd, NHC-1 Block 36J Singida.
+(123) 1800-88-66 Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 PM 34TH Avenue - New York, W2 3XE
Who We Are

The Stars of Poverty Rescue Foundation (SPRF) is a non-governmental organization based in Singida as its headquarters, founded and registered in 2014 under the NGO Act No. 24/2002 in dar Es salaam with registration number NGO 00007709. SPRF Tanzania is a National NGO with a mandate to operate in all Districts of Tanzania Mainland. The organization is capable of acquiring, owning, purchasing and alienating movable and immovable properties and shall remain a non profit organization in Tanzania.

Our Story: In July, 2014, Founder, Dr. Suleiman C Muttani was struck by a sad story of 19 years’ girl who died in his hands. The girl succumbed to obstetric dangers of obstructed labor, developing Obstetric Fistula on the 3rd day and died of sepsis on the 9th day of hospitalization.

In the course of death Audit, among the other factors revealed, was a delay in accessing health care at family level. The contributing factors was that of the family’s ignorance of danger signs of prolonged labor and family economic crisis. It was initially thought that the the girl was neglected at home, but the fact was that, the family had no fare to promptly transport the girl to access medical care. The Healthcare providers believed that, a prolonged labor, delivery obstruction and sepsis were preventable but the girl simply died of such avoidable factors.

Although, the family poverty was evident, we had no idea on how we could mitigate family economic crisis and poverty; as there was no better ways sought to create enabling environment for household poverty relief. This was the beginning of the long journey of SPRF in create enabling environment in reducing family poverty.  Although, SPRF being founded on this bitter story, it has not achieved much of its objective to solve the problem of household economy because of the complexity the issue and our resource crisis. Similarly, preventable deaths still occurring to innocent pregnant women and girls in Tanzania and elsewhere in the world today. This is what SPRF vowed to halt, by advovating for Poverty relief for Good health and Well-being. We, understand, no one dares to stop even if we dwell in a very scarce resources and we believe you little support wil save a woman somewhere from dying.

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