The Stars of Poverty Rescue Foundation (SPRF) is a non-governmental ... founded in 2014. It was registered in Dar Es Salaam under the NGO Act No. 24 of 2002; given a registration number 7709 on 30th December, 2014.
Organisation Structure
SPRF’s present institutional structure led by the Chief Executive Director (CED) working under the Board of Directors (Advisory) on implementing resolutions of the Annual General Meeting. The CED is therefore responsible for managing, controlling and monitoring the execution of all programs and projects of the foundation. In the second tier, under the CED are the three directors underneath, the Director of Programs, Director of Human Resource & Administration and the Director of Finance. These are the people responsible for the overall execution of the daily functions of the foundations as described in the organizational Chart..
Organizational Development
The Stars Of Poverty Rescue Foundation has placed a high priority to strengthen its capacity for health and skills development.
Our Execution strategy and priorities are robust on sustainable development and long term existence of SPRF. The SPRF implements result based projects in a sustainable business model to achieve its goals and targets; It address challenges and learn lessons in the want to position itself in the light of the worlds' changing environment.
About us
We Are Fighting Poverty
For Good Health And Well Being!
For the past 10 years, SPRF has reached thousands of Tanzanians. Your support will continue to improve the health and wellbeing of the rural women, youth, and children living in extreme poverty. Your support will train them on gender life skills and free women and children from Harmful Traditional Practices, Early Marriages, Childhood Pregnancies, GBV and VAC. Additionally, your gift will encourage and empower employees to work on community-based initiatives in Tanzania’s most isolated and difficult-to-reach areas.