Major sources of funds during the year was grants from Foundation for Civil Society and private donations. These totaled to TZS 54.46. Mil (2017: TZS 72.71Mil) during the year 2018.
Other sources of the funds to the Foundation includes the: Members subscriptions, Consultancy, Projects funds (IGA) and Development partners.
All funds received were solely spent on the program activities and administrative expenses of the Foundation as per the signed grant agreements. The fund spent total of TZS 61.83 Mil. (2017: TZS 65.01 Mil.) during the year; TZS 51.16 Mil (2017: TZS 56.25 Mil) being for programs and TZS 10.67 mil (2017: 8.76 Mil) for administrative expenses.
Directors do not recommend payment of dividend except for honoraria paid to officials, members and salary to employed staff with allowed statutory deductions under the governing laws.